Klettern Campus - Freies Klettern und Bouldern
verantwortlich: Thomas Plank


Du möchtest eigenständig unsere coolen Kletter- & Boulderanlagen nutzen?

Informiere dich hier über alles Wichtige: 

Informationen rund um die Kletter- und Boulderanlagen

Danach kannst du, sofern du die Voraussetzungen erfüllst, dein Ticket-K oder Ticket-B buchen.


You want to use our cool climbing and bouldering facilities independently?
You can do this if you have the appropriate safety competence (so-called K authorisation), because the safety and physical integrity of our users is important to us!
If you have the K-rating, you can buy our
Ticket K for an entire semester, which is your "ticket" to free climbing!  Please note the opening hours der Kletteranlagen.
For free bouldering you need the ticket B and no other special authorisation.

How can I obtain the K entitlement?

a. Beginners can learn climbing and belaying in our climbing courses and receive the K-rating after passing the exam.
b. Experienced climbers can obtain their climbing licence by attending a belay update/climbing training course, which also includes an exam at the end.
    which also includes the exam for the K-rating at the end.
c.... or by presenting a DAV (ÖAV / Naturfreunde / IG...) lead climbing certificate which is not older than 4 years.
d.... or by presenting a trainer (mountain guide) licence.

You can find more information about our climbing facilities here Location